

Charity for the Misled: Covid is Over

Social media has become toxic for two reasons. One is intentional. "Triggering" people is an effective technique for driving engagement. Has been the case long before social media. Controversial people and topics attract eyeballs. The other is social mood. It's negative and people like fighting. Mix it together and the toxic stew that is Twitter and Facebook emerges.

The people in the video, the people they represent, are not your enemy. They were misled by the media, government and institutions. They were lied to, they were terrorized. They are probably still terrorized by fake threats such as climate change, systemic racism and Russian invasions. Now is the time to wake up some people who are realizing they've been lied to. And even if they don't change their mind on topics, they may at least realize they were and are led by liars and psychological abusers. For those who don't change, of course they deserve no respect in the realm of politics. They will parrot whatever is the next lie. But one should take this opportunity to wake more people up, rather than continue a futile battle against people who have no tangible influence on policy.

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