

Gab Launches Parallel Economy Fund

Technology is worthless on its own. The same people who claim blockchain or Bitcoin can liberate people are the same ones who though the Internet would liberate political speech around the world. Instead, authoritarian regimes have achieve more complete control over their nations, while Western authoritarians are now empowered by this technology. Blockchain will create the perfect totalitarian prison where all economic activity takes place under the government's watchful eye or doesn't take place at all, and anyone who doesn't play by those rules can start shopping for their prison gear.

There is a term that has fallen out of usage: political-economy. Law, economics and politics are all intertwined. To leave off one leg of this stool, or to get one leg wrong, will ruin whatever project is being attempted. Assuming one isn't starting from a wrecked base, where simply improving the law can generate extremely positive benefits. Think China 1978, Peru in the early 1990s and so on.

In the West, the advance of authoritarian leftism has gone unchecked for decades. Most of the nominally "conservative" politicians are leftists. Their highest value is anti-racism, aka anti-nationalism and in the American context, anti-white. Conservative politicians spend their energy fomenting for war against Russia and China, undermine border control efforts, deep-six healthcare reform and defend BigTech as it takes apart the lives of free-thinking Americans (and Canadians , Australians, Germans, English and so on...) on the left and right.

Nothing can be gained from debate because debate is illegal. Debate is not wanted. There is no debate with authoritarian power. Ask the truckers of Canada if protest is allowed. People who desire freedom must return to a fundamental understanding of power: the political-economy. Whether diversity caused it or not, America has split into different nations. The United States of America is a false construct. Where "we" would debate before, there is only expression of power now. People who hate America, Americans and Christians their history, culture, people, politics and God, do not debate things like history or economics. They tear down statues, they ban symbols, they have their enemies arrested, fined and/or imprisoned. The shut down their businesses. They imprison them in their homes, inject them with experimental drugs, treat their children worse than criminals.

There is no way to stop this without accumulating power. If it were possible to debate again in the future, that first requires establishing a power base. If debate can not happen anymore, then Americans must prepare for persecution and eventually war. In the context of 4G, war has already started, but most of the public doesn't realize it yet. One way or another, Americans are going to a need a new political-economy. Gab: The Parallel Economy Fund

Gab will be investing in early stage startup businesses who are working to solve a set of problems in the Parallel Economy. This could be in technology, media, healthcare, finance, or a few other areas of interest to us that we will elaborate more on in the future.

Some of our areas of interest right now include:

1. Making Bitcoin more user friendly and privacy focused for everyday use

2. Censorship resistant shipping & logistics

3. 3D Printed 2nd Amendment protection

4. Decentralized Christian healthcare options

5. Software for homeschooling parents

6. Distributed pasture grazed meat distribution and butchering

7. Christian Entertainment/Content

8. Mesh networks, radio technology, and alternative forms of off grid communication.

9. Technology for Churches and planting Churches

10. Christian AirBnb

Gab will invest 25-50k in startup capital, Gab Ads credit, Gab Cloud services for free speech hosting services, and access to the Gab community of entrepreneurs for mentorship and help with scaling and distribution.

Eventually, the parallel economy will develop a functional parallel currency, and that's when things will get very interesting.

Even if you aren't interested in politics, politics will be interested in you. It will be impossible to not choose a side in the coming years. As happened with vaccines and mandates, people who went along will suddenly find they don't want to go along anymore. The circle of acceptable thinking and contrary opinions will keep shrinking. As the failures of USG pile up, the currency will eventually crack. There's already talk of price controls because of inflation. The Baizuo blame high prices on greed, instead of incompetent government and central banking policies. Nothing but destruction is coming for people who passively accept the current political-economy. The only choice is to accept it or not. If not, then it is long past time to get busy building.

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