

Real Russia Collusion: The Baizuo Have Given the Rope and The Narrative

Guess who the real Russisn agents are...Has Russia Been Financing Western Environmentalism?
Hence the interest, for the Russian government, in mounting a vast disinformation campaign against shale gas and nuclear power in the West, by massively financing the groups most likely "naturally" to oppose it: environmentalist organizations.
Accusations of being financed by the Russian government, even if they are signed by the Secretary General of NATO, the Director of the Foundation for Political Innovation and the Secretary of State of the United States, do not make one guilty of corruption, conflict of interests, non-disclosure of being financed by and/or being an agent of a foreign government. The presumption of innocence applies to everyone.
At this point, evidence and trials don't matter. Anti-nuclear, anti-shale environmentalists are by Narrative, traitors working for Russia. The Biden admin's energy policy was made on Moscow. They're obviously threatening war with Russia (a war that isnt happening) to cover their tracks. The whole sanctions regime, the inflation, it's exactly what Russia and China want. It will cripple a nation that sold off its manufacturing and refuses to tap natural resources. The Narrative writes itself, and thanks to going on 5 years of full on lies and propaganda, it's all anyone needs to hang the ruling class. If Tulsi Gabbard and Tucker Carlson are "traitors" for asking about biolabs in Ukraine, then obviously everyone involved with opposing domestic energy production, include shale and nuclear, are agents of Russia. Wouldn't the American people love to know that all the inflation and economic damage unleashed over the past two years, plus the four years of Russiagate lies, was all done by the real Russian agents? All it takes is someone willing to make the case before the American people...

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