

mRNA Shots Rack Up Body Count Higher than Vietnam

Data shows most COVID deaths occurred after the rollout of vaccines
Millennials suffered a ‘Vietnam event’ in 2021 and Gen-Xers died in record numbers after the vaccines rolled out.
More than 61,000 Millennials and record numbers of Gen-Xers died in 2021 alone, after the Covid vaccines hailed as miracles were rolled out, leaving an unprecedented wake of mortality in the last quarter of the year.

The Millennial generation, aged about 25 to 40, experienced a staggering 84% increase in excess mortality in the fall of 2021, former Blackrock portfolio manager Edward Dowd told Breitbart’s Steve Bannon in an episode of his War Room in March. Dowd described it as the “worst-ever excess mortality, I think, in history.”

A body count higher than a decade of the Vietnam war and concentrated in only one generational cohort. Swept entirely under the rug because the TV and regime media won't talk about it. I wonder, what is the maximum body count this regime could get away with? If they can kill 61,000 Millennials and not only does no one care, but half the country applauds the great victory, how many could they kill before people start noticing? It's got to be well into six figures. Then extrapolate and you're not really far off from what some of the most murderous regimes of the 20th Century were up to. Don't think they can't get there either. As with communism, deaths from toxic vaccines would be classified has deaths of love. The intentions were good! There is no number of deaths that ever causes the do-gooder to realize they're the monster.

H/T: The Vaxx was Our Vietnam

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