

Why So Much Talk of Nazis?

This is an amazing article if you have the objectivity to realize we can apply the same analysis to Western media.

Geopolitical Monitor:The ‘Goebbels Method’: RIA Novosti as Window into Russian Propaganda

“Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”; that is one of the methods of Russian propaganda, called, ironically, the Goebbels method. “Ukrainians are all Nazis and Russians are there to save them”; that is a fact repeated in different shapes and forms across RIA Novosti’s comments. Russian propaganda works.

RIA Novosti uses Nazi-derived words less and less, which is indicative of them shifting to new narratives. Those narratives are nevertheless complementary to the core message — Ukrainians are Nazis — but they are also neo-Nazis, and satanists. So, Russian propaganda also lives, it changes, creates comfortable stories, adapts itself to new contexts.

In our digital age, when information and disinformation are accumulating every second to be preserved in all of their triteness, the human brain relies even more on mental shortcuts when processing news. It goes to such an extent that if the political agenda of pro-Russian media changes, everything changes: in a fraction of a second, Putin can become an enemy of the people, the West the best ally, and so on.

Russian media ramped up mentions of Ukranian Nazis. There are some legit Nazis there, but it's overdone for propaganda. Now let's see what the Western media has been up to the past few years. Ah yes, off the charts propaganda that would make the Russians blush.



  2. Who is Geopolitical Monitor? What do you see when you read this “about” page? I see bright futures for them anywhere in Oceania.

  3. I don’t know whether to refer to them “Nazi’s” or “just militants” or some other term. But, the press conference embedded here made me a little less puzzled by the Russian POV (branded “propaganda” by the “blue checkmark” baizuo):

  4. BTW, I realize these prior comments are tangential to your main point. :-)

  5. LOL. LZ, guess what? On a hunch, I decided to look for an example of the trend you searched for in an ironic (not really) location: First hit…

  6. This threa also reminds me an old Corbett episode in which he sheds a little light on how the baizuo make the “white supremacy” sausage:
