

Chinese Have Had it With Lockdowns

Be skeptical of Western reports of protests. The Chinese have a different conception of government and their relationship with it. Some areas have had it with strict lockdowns, but notice most people are wearing masks. They aren't wearing masks to thwart the surveillance state. The main takeaway is the negative mood is boiling over with new rounds of lockdowns. Everyone in and out of China can see another long winter of lockdowns coming as long as zero-covid is the policy.

Perhaps the protests escalate, but there's no evidence of that yet.

1 comment:

  1. Pop density of half of China is greater than NYC, implying that any highly contagious disease can spread quite quickly and justifies relatively stricter control than Westerners (outside NYC) would normally contemplate. So, I'm willing to give a benefit of the doubt. Nevertheless, I remain confused why they repeatedly lockdown *supposedly* over sars-cov-2, for a few reasons. First, the mortality rate doesn't justify this response IMHO. Second, didn't they vaccinate everyone with good old-fashioned "inactivated, whole virus" vaccines? Third, even if they're "practicing" for future risks, hasn't this been "enough"? Maybe there's cryptic reasons for it. If so, wish they could/would say!
