

GOPe and Dems Conspire to Make MAGA the Only Opposition

Back in 2015, I wrote a post titled This One Chart Explains the Next 10 Years of Political Change. It included this chart:
In a nutshell, the political establishment in the West has been exhibiting similar behavior across countries: alliances between nominally left and right parties aimed at excluding challengers. Additionally, the establishment supports extremist policies such as mass migration, risking nuclear war with Russia, funneling taxpayer money into banks, making lopsided trade deals with China, locking down their people, injecting them with experimental medicines and so on. This creates a setup where lots of popular positions are cast as extremist. It also leaves these positions to what the establishment calls "far-right," who the media then meme as enemies of democracy, Nazis, racists and similar epithets.

This creates a high-stakes binary game. If the ruling class can maintain power, they can crush their opponents, jail them, censor them and effectively rule without any opposition for years to come, maybe generations. Fighting them is a losing battle. Unless. Since all opposition becomes concentrated in a smaller opposition group and they hold the popular positions, there's a constant threat of the entire picture flipping. If by some chance there's an economic depression or a war lost, the public might want a change. The establishment has made clear who their opponents are and absorbed their "near" opponents on the left and right. Shock political outcomes become possible in these situations. This has already played out in Sweden, where the Sweden Democrats were iced out of power and then became the largest party. A shock to the establishment, but totally expected if you pay attention.

Now the U.S. is following in the footsteps of Sweden. Schumer: I’m Meeting with McConnell to Push for Ditching ‘MAGA Republicans’

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said Monday on CNN’s “This Morning” that he was meeting with Senat Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) in the wake of midterm election results to convince Republican senators to ditch so-called “MAGA Republicans.”

Co-host Kaitlan Collins said, “Are you going to talk to Mitch McConnell? What does that look like?”

Schumer said, “I’m going to say to the Republicans in the Senate who are not the MAGA Republicans, stop letting them lead your party. Work with us to get things done. I intend to sit down with Mitch McConnell and express that.”

If you want to see real political change in the USA, then you want to see this happen.

There's also this. It's never going to happen, but speaks to the cluelessness of establishment talking heads. Liberals suggest Liz Cheney should be speaker of House but not everyone agrees.

If they want to eventually lead, the "MAGA" crowd should oppose McConnell. If they're lucky, they'll push him into open alliance with Schumer. Then only one political alternative will exist because the Democrats have their primary system locked up. No challengers will come from the left.

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