

If California Didn't Exist, Austrians Would Have to Invent It

Clownifornia delivers another lesson in central planning and interventionism gone wrong. Retail sales spiked in October when California issued a stimulus check. Retail sales fell in November.
If America chose a pet rock for president, it would be a successful term because the pet rock would not intervene. Unfortunately, there are bad policies that do constant intervention that must be unwound, but a pet rock would come up with no stupid ideas, which it seems is the only thing the Baizuo ruling class can come up with.

1 comment:

  1. "If America chose a pet rock for president, it would be a successful term because the pet rock would not intervene." --- Hahaha! There's truth in that but -- if I might analyze and ruin the joke -- it requires forgetting that: (a) we have a "pet rock" now in the form of FJB and (b) unelected apparatchiks run the show anyway.
