

Top or Not? Chinese Media Discuss Housing

The PBoC second quarter depositor survey is being cited as evidence the buying restrictions aren't dampening demand. (Coverage of survey here.)
iFeng: 史上最严调控浇灭买房人的热情?央妈给出意外答案

A separate article says the turn in first- and second-tier cities is clear.
"As the current market trading volume in the overall low level, can basically determine the June market transactions compared to May basically flat, narrow range." Yan Yue Jin that the recent part of the city for the control policy began to "patch ", Which will be the corresponding urban housing transactions in different directions, varying degrees of impact.

"The country has more than 36 cities 'limited sales', is becoming the current local market regulation and control of new ideas, has also become the round from March to start the national multi-city regulation and control of new features. There are more cities in the future will be implemented" Zhang Dawei told reporters, "inventory data has been a 21-month low, is expected in 2017 the real estate market is difficult to optimistic in the whole year, especially in the third quarter of the year," Zhang Dawei told reporters that the new control measures, a certain period of time limit transfer, can effectively reduce speculation. The traditional off - season will appear more obvious cooling performance.
iFeng: 一二线城市楼市量价双跌“拐点”初现

Some developers are back to using stealth price increases via charges for decorating and furnishing a new apartment.
However, in some places the limit is not true price. Recently reported that there have been some developers in Guangzhou through the "double contract" to circumvent the government limit policy, making house prices down, not only significantly increased the proportion of buyers down payment, but also makes the net sign price and the actual sales price Far away, leading to distortion of official data on primary housing prices.

The so-called "double contract" is two contracts, one is required to sign the purchase contract, the other is the decoration contract, the amount of the two contracts together is the total purchase price, and decoration contract amount can not be loan, The down payment in the purchase contract is paid together. This practice in 2013 that round of property market regulation in the more, then the local government introduced a regulatory policy to put an end to this phenomenon.

At present, Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing and other cities limit the price effect is obvious, the market has cooled. As a result of strict regulatory policy, housing sales are more formal, there is no "double contract" phenomenon, so the net sign price can more accurately reflect the actual transaction price. However, in some second-tier cities and three or four lines of the city, "double contract" phenomenon is not uncommon, in addition to bundled with the construction or fine decoration, even more simply net sign a price, the actual sales is another price.
iFeng: 二三线城市双合同致房价明降暗升 地方监管应动真格

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