
Guangzhou Considers Public Housing Funds

Some argue Guangzhou's public housing fund should be adjusted to reflect the 87% increase in average prices over the past 7 years, while others point to the lower average home cost and the need protect the fund's balance.

The industry believes that, from the trend of rising prices, the amount should be raised accordingly. According to the Guangzhou Land and Housing Bureau released data show that the average price of residential sales in 2008 ten districts in Guangzhou is 9337 yuan / square meter, and the other According to statistics, in 2014 ten districts in Guangzhou (Zengcheng Conghua except outside) the average price of residential sales to 17,491 yuan / square meter, seven years rises to 87.3 percent, the city's average price of 15,017 yuan / square meter.

7 years ago in Guangzhou, the average 933,700 yuan can be bought a 100 square meters of housing, whether individuals or couples up to 500,000 yuan up to 800,000 lines, can cover a large extent to the buyer group.

Guangzhou Academy of Social Sciences senior researcher Peng Peng said, because housing prices, in theory, the amount of provident fund should be raised accordingly. Zhou Feng, senior manager of market strategy at full house, said the three cities north of deep fund usage has been lower than in Guangzhou, Guangzhou increase if the amount of expenditures will exacerbate the fund.

Guangzhou plot IFC official told reporters that the fund center's current mandate is to ensure more workers can be paid into the fund to purchase, and because the lower housing prices in Guangzhou in the first-tier cities, by contrast, individuals 50 million, family 800,000 yuan of the amount specified at a high level. Thus, the maximum amount of no product adjusted plan.

According to the statistics agency data show that in 2014 Shanghai primary residential average transaction price was 27,165 yuan / square meter, Beijing primary residential average transaction price of 25,873 yuan / square meter, Shenzhen primary residential average transaction price was 23,965 yuan / square meter.

...Peng Peng believes that the pool of funds not relieve the tense status quo, Guangzhou fund the New Deal approach is still reasonable, although it can not cause too much good for the market, but still has some rigid demand for home help, for the price, size limits and other aspects, but also in line with the provident fund to support low-income groups in mind.

Zhou Feng also believes that the introduction of the New Deal is quite upset Guangzhou fund. He expects the market to purchase the second half of this year customers will be more inclined to commercial loans, subject to the approval of a long time of impact, the proportion of pure provident fund loans will be further reduced.
Lower public funding leads to lower home prices, I think I've heard that somewhere.

iFeng: 房价暴涨87% 广州最高贷款额度7年未调

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