
Chinese Cities Consider Loosening Property Restrictions; Will It Work?

多城市酝酿和讨论松绑限购可能性 短期内对楼市影响大
Following the purchase of Wenzhou outgoing reported deregulation program, a number of cities, Hangzhou, Changsha, also began brewing and discuss the possibility of the purchase of deregulation.

Implementation of the real estate market four years of purchase of the policy, to loosen in 2014.

Following the purchase of Wenzhou outgoing reported deregulation program, zhengbao reporter was informed that a number of cities of Changsha, Hangzhou is also brewing, and discuss the possibility of the purchase of deregulation.

The question is will it work? Wenzhon tried this in August: Wenzhou loosens property restrictions
Wenzhou in Zhejiang province has quietly loosened purchase restrictions in the housing market by permitting both local residents and non-local households to buy second homes, sources said.

In an internal document acquired by a source who asked to remain unnamed the Wenzhou home regulator decided to slacken its former grip on home purchases.

Wenzhou was one of the nation's 46 cities that imposed restrictions on buying homes on the back of central government guidance issued in 2011. The municipal government published a regulation in March 2011 stipulating that all households could buy just one apartment subsequently, no matter whether they had homes or not before.

The latest headline on Wenzhou real estate: 温州房价连跌31个月消息称松绑限购方案已上报

Wenzhou home prices fell for 31 straight months, including after they eased restrictions, and now Wenzhou has submitted another plan to ease home purchase restrictions......

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