
Qihu Joins Corruption Battle

360 is how the Chinese press usually refers to Qihu because the firm was made famous by its free 360 anti-virus software.
360 companies to disclose internal e-mail, the Ministry of Supervision in 2014 the company received real name, said certain orchid, named Ma suspected fraud. After receiving the report, 360 companies to report content attaches great importance to set up a special investigation team. After a preliminary investigation found the company to report the situation basically true, certain orchid, named Ma serious violation of the company's "Code of Business Conduct and Ethics", "employee handbook" and other rules and regulations, a serious departure from the company's values, its behavior and properties are very bad. Then the company decided to immediately and actively cooperate with the investigation report to the police, at present certain orchid, named Ma has been transferred to public security authorities.

Various Internet companies from the recent anti-corruption efforts and the incident frequency, the corruption cases in the Internet sector is not an accidental phenomenon.

Just past 2014, 360 companies of navigation, search, phone assistant, games and other platforms rapid development of business, revenue more than 8 billion yuan, becoming the fourth largest after BAT resource platform. Where there is a huge commercial value, it is susceptible to corruption. Therefore, today's anti-corruption action 360 is not surprising.
iFeng: 360加入互联网反腐 两名员工涉贪被查

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