
Global Cooling

'We are at an historic moment in time when earth’s climate is about to change in dramatic and unthinkable ways. We are seeing a rare symmetry and synchronicity of natural weather cycles all pointing in the same phase and direction for the first time since the early 1600’s'

The above is part of a Twitter thread excerpted from a special report, available here from Hackett Financial Advisors.

The trick with global cooling is that it's far more volatile than warming. For all the apocalyptic forecasts, warming has many positive benefits. Global cooling on the other hand, could wreck agricultural output because the climate will rapidly shift. I haven't dug into research yet, but I wonder if as an example, fertilizer would underperform because demand would collapse as the area of arable land shrinks. Ice breakers may be needed for rivers such as the Hudson in New York and the Thames in London. Snow plow fleets will be needed in the Southern U.S., energy demand for heating would soar.

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