
Is SARS2 a Bioweapon?

ZH: Former State Dept Lead Investigator Says COVID-19 Escaped From Wuhan Lab, May Have Been Bioweapons Accident
"And if you believe, as I do, that this might have been a weapons vector gone awry, not deliberately released, but in development and then somehow leaked, this has turned out to be the greatest weapon in history," Asher told a Hudson Institute panel discussing the origins of the pandemic. "You've taken out 15 to 20 percent of global GDP. You've killed millions of people. The Chinese population has been barely affected. Their economies roared back to being number one in the entire G20."
My assumption is that it was an accidental release of gain-of-function research, a virus bioengineered to be more infectious as part of pandemic and vaccine research. A bioweapon would be far more politically explosive, especially considering China likely knew the source immediately if that is the case. I also cannot discount the possibility that some officials will finger China as the culprit no matter the evidence because they seek confrontation. The worst case scenario in my opinion, is that this was common research. Moreover, technological advances will make a "12 mOnkeys" scenario all the more likely in the coming years. What happens when terrorists and lone wolves can cook up the next pandemic?

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