
Xiamen Launches Buying Restrictions

Ping, January 2015: Xiamen abolishes house purchase restriction

Pong, July 2016: 厦门调整住房信贷政策:名下房贷未结清首付提至60%
July 9, Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Land Resources and Housing Authority announced that "to support the rigid housing demand and reasonable improvement of housing demand and curb speculative buying , promote the city's real estate market is stable and healthy and sustainable development, the municipal government study agree, the city from July 15 to adjust the housing credit policy, "the specific content:

First, adjust the commercial individual housing credit policies. Home buyers in the city under the name of free housing and no purchase loans recorded a minimum down payment ratio of 25%; and in the city there is no housing purchase loans recorded under the name of one or pen housing loan records and the corresponding minimum loan has been settled down payment ratio of 30%; 1 pen name has recorded outstanding home loans, or pen name has 2 or more home loans and recorded a minimum down payment ratio corresponding loans have been settled from 40 percent to 60 percent; the name has 2 pen purchase loans outstanding of the loan application inadmissible.

Second, adjust the housing provident fund credit policies. Working families to apply for housing provident fund loans to home buyers for the first time, the first payment of not less than 20%, according to fund the implementation of loan interest rate benchmark lending rate; second working families to apply for housing provident fund loans to home buyers, down payment of not less than 50%, and loan interest rates by 1.1 times the benchmark lending rate fund implementation. To stop more than a third of working families to apply for the loan fund to pay housing provident fund loans.

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